QIP Consulting's Australia-wide team of GP auditors provide unbiased, high-quality audits in line with conditions imposed by AHPRA or other state and territory complaints bodies. These audits may be undertaken remotely or face to face in accordance with conditions requirements, and our person-centered, non-judgmental approach aims to minimise stress and increase efficiency in meeting your conditions requirements.


Practitioner Mentoring: Our team of GP mentors take a supportive, understanding and future-forward approach to mentoring conditions. Mentees undertake one-on-one mentoring sessions with a single mentor assigned in line with the expertise required of the topics listed within mentoring conditions, including providing care to First Nations patients, medication management and prescribing, health records management, professional conduct and boundaries, infection control and other related topics. 


Need education in order to meet your conditions? Our one-on-one education services may be suitable for your requirements. Education is designed in line with the topics identified within your imposed conditions and undertaken one on one with a GP educator over a series of online sessions. This tailored approach ensure we cover everything required in your education condition and allows the opportunity to ask questions and learn collaboratively with a peer educator, as opposed to other passive forms of online learning like pre-designed modules. 


QIP Consulting cohort of GP supervisors are located in several key locations across Australia and can provide short term supervision services, such as for conditions requiring a shorter timeframe for supervision, or to provide coverage when a primary supervisor is on leave or unwell. Our supervisors work collaboratively with primary supervisors to ensure their services are in line with the needs of practitioner conditions and other personal circumstances. 

Contact us for further infomation