Via the Strengthening Medicare - GP Grants Program, the Australian Government is investing $220 million in grants, over a two-year period from 2022 to 2024. These grants have been established to support general practices and eligible Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) to make improvements to their practices which expand patient access while supporting safe, and accessible, quality primary care.
If you're an eligible general practice or ACCHO, a single one-off grant will be available to your practice to invest in a variety of quality improvement activities. A key area of quality improvement investment includes the maintenance or achievement of accreditation against the RACGP Standards for general practices 5th edition as part of the National General Practice Accreditation (NGPA) Scheme - to support and strengthen the provision of quality and safety within general practice.
Activities GP Grant Program funding can be used to improve:
Accreditation is an integral part of safe and quality general practice in Australia, demonstrating a formal commitment to providing better patient care, safety and service delivery. It's also a mandatory criterion for participating in the Practice Incentives Program (PIP) and the Workplace Incentive Payments (WIP), and can provide access to higher levels of government funding as seen in the GP Grants scheme - non-accredited practices can access a maximum of $25,000 in funding, while accredited practices can access up to $50,000 allocated based on practice size.
Support from the AGPAL Group
Being part of the AGPAL Group of Companies, QIP Consulting offers services outside of the accreditation process to support your practice to prepare for and maintain accreditation against the RACGP Standards. QIP Consulting's service offerings also support your practice to strengthen areas identified throughout the accreditation process as areas for improvement.
QIP Consulting works one-on-one with your practice to identify tailored organisational goals and provide expert guidance, tools and resources to enable you to implement systems and processes to ensure your objectives are met. QIP Consulting's clients are diverse, coming from metropolitan, regional and, rural and remote locations across all Australian states and territories. Backed by evidence-based strategies, QIP Consulting's tailored consultancy services are underpinned by open and in-depth discussion, a partnership mindset, matching client needs with appropriately skilled expertise, and providing oversight of each client's quality and safety improvement journey.
How we can help you
The AGPAL Group has designed services to support practices at any stage of the accreditation journey: whether your practice has been successfully accredited, if you've engaged in some preparation, or if you're brand new to the process. Each service will assist your quality improvement, helping you to expand patient access while supporting safe, and accessible, quality primary care.
These service offerings are designed to be mixed and matched with each other or with other key activities identified by your practice.

Accreditation Education and Readiness - $15,000
This offering includes a gap analysis, comprised of an independent review of your practice followed by the provision of a detailed report providing recommendations into areas for improvement prior to the undertaking of an accreditation assessment. This is complemented by the collaborative development of tailored education and training resources for your practice to meet your accreditation needs.
Undertaking accreditation education and readiness allows you to benefit from:
- Identification of gaps and opportunities for improvement across the organisation as a whole
- An environmental scan: ensuring compliance on equipment, layout and maintenance
- Impartial document review: feedback surrounding existing documentation including policies and procedures
- Robust employee discussions: supporting in the review of staff knowledge and understanding of roles and responsibilities
- Tailored training and education for your team to support QI initiatives which can directly impact the high-quality provision of safe, and accessible, quality primary care. This training and education can further support professional development and increased satisfaction amongst staff
Offering deliverables:
- Undertaking of a comprehensive and tailored gap analysis by an experienced and independent consultant
- Detailed recommendation report for implementation prior to an accreditation assessment
- Personalised support and assistance throughout the gap analysis process, including access to a user-friendly self-assessment tool (utilised to gain evidence as part of the gap analysis)
- Development and delivery of a tailored and comprehensive staff training program to support QI
- Education support for your practice to assist and empower you in confidently meeting your accreditation requirements
For more information on Accreditation Education and Readiness and how your practice can benefit from this offering, contact the QIP Consulting Team.

Accreditation Excellence Program - $25,000
A start-to-finish support package for your practice, the accreditation excellence preparation offering includes a gap analysis and customised training, assistance with document creation, and a plan and practical tools to support in the delegation of tasks and meeting accreditation deadlines.
Undertaking accreditation excellence preparation allows you to benefit from:
- As identified in the 'Accreditation Education and Readiness' offering PLUS:
- A comprehensive and independent clinical audit and review to recognise what's being done well and areas for enhancement
- Mentoring throughout the entire gap analysis and accreditation process
- Document development and review
- Implementation of quality management systems
- Management of team meetings to drive staff engagement, skills and knowledge and organisational culture
- Strategic and future-thinking reports and guidelines around business planning and clinical services
Offering deliverables:
- As identified in the 'Accreditation Education and Readiness' offering PLUS:
- Actionable business and strategic planning reports, complimented by personalised advice and guidance
- Document development and implementation support including creation of essential forms, and policy and procedure manuals
- Development and/or enhancement of clinical guidelines, including infection control and vaccine management
- Medicare review to identify opportunities for enhanced service delivery and ensure data collection meets PIP QI requirements
- Quality management system implementation and review
- Presentation of an efficient, cost-effective and secure IT services plan
- Implementation of a validated reporting patient feedback collection tool
For more information on the Accreditation Excellence Program and how your practice can benefit from this offering, contact the QIP Consulting Team.

Practice Accreditation and Improvement Survey - cost POA
This practice accreditation and improvement survey offering includes the provision of a RACGP approved questionnaire to collect patient feedback which aims to provide practices with in-depth, visual and informative reports to drive quality improvement.
Undertaking the practice accreditation and improvement survey allows you to benefit from:
- Implementation of an easy to administer patient survey supported by all required staff and collection resources, instructions and materials
- Data to support quality improvement actions and initiatives including an action plan template
- Adherence to secure data management requirements in line with privacy and confidentiality legislation and policies
- Data benchmarking against national, FTE and Rurality scores
- Personalised support from the CFEP Surveys Team including all the administration intricacies associated with the collection of patient feedback
- Practice and individualised general practitioner reports, inclusive of a complementary interpretation guide and explanation of findings by CFEP Surveys staff
- Ability for general practitioners to gain continuing professional development (CPD)
Offering deliverables:
- Patient feedback survey that meets specific requirements outlined in the RACGP Standards
- Comprehensive implementation tools and resources
- In-depth personalised data reports for practices and individual practitioners
- Action plan template
- Personalised assistance from the CFEP Surveys Team
For more information on Practice Accreditation and Improvement Surveys and how your practice can benefit from this offering, contact the CFEP Surveys Team.